Lecture about Permeability PPT

Understanding Permeability in Oil Reservoir Rocks: Key Concepts from the Lecture

Permeability is a fundamental property of reservoir rocks that directly impacts the flow of fluids, including oil and gas, within a reservoir. In this article, I will outline the essential points covered in a detailed lecture on permeability, which you can download for free at the end of this post.

Lecture about Pereability PPT
Understanding Permeability in Oil Reservoir Rocks: Key Concepts from the Lecture

What is Permeability?

Permeability refers to the ability of a rock to transmit fluids through its pore spaces. It plays a crucial role in determining how easily oil and gas can be extracted from a reservoir. Permeability depends on the size, shape, and connectivity of the pores in the rock, and it is typically expressed in millidarcies (mD).

Types of Permeability

The lecture explains various types of permeability:

Absolute Permeability: This is the permeability of a rock when it is fully saturated with a single fluid, such as water or oil.

Effective Permeability: This refers to the permeability of a rock when more than one fluid is present, indicating how one fluid flows relative to others.

Relative Permeability: A ratio that measures the effective permeability of one fluid to another in a multiphase system, which is critical for understanding oil and water movement in a reservoir.

Darcy’s Law and Flow Mechanics

One of the cornerstone principles of fluid flow in porous media is Darcy’s Law. It defines the relationship between the pressure difference driving the fluid and the flow rate through the rock. The law is expressed mathematically as:


  • QQ is the flow rate,
  • kk is the permeability,
  • AA is the cross-sectional area of the rock,
  • ΔP\Delta P is the pressure difference,
  • μ\mu is the fluid viscosity, and
  • LL is the length of the flow path.
The unit of permeability is the Darcy (D), which reflects how easily fluids pass through porous rock.

Measurement and Field Units

Permeability is often measured in laboratory settings using core samples from the reservoir. Laboratory techniques assess the absolute permeability of a rock sample, helping reservoir engineers estimate how oil or gas will flow through a reservoir in the field.

The lecture also explains Darcy’s Law in Field Units and its adaptation for Radial Flow, which is particularly important for understanding fluid behavior around a wellbore.

Laboratory Measurements of Absolute Permeability

In lab conditions, absolute permeability is measured using core samples saturated with a single fluid. This provides a baseline understanding of how fluids will flow in the reservoir under controlled conditions.

This lecture offers a comprehensive overview of permeability in oil reservoir rocks, providing key insights into its definition, measurement, and the governing principles that determine fluid flow. You can download the full lecture for free using the link below:

You can watch the lecture on YouTube


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